

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

JOBS - "Piedra de Toque". Este domingo: Mario Vargas Llosa escribe sobre obra teatral “War Horse” Este domingo: Mario Vargas Llosa escribe sobre obra

"Piedra de Toque".
Este domingo: Mario Vargas Llosa escribe sobre obra teatral “War Horse”

Este domingo: Mario Vargas Llosa escribe sobre obra teatral “War Horse”
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Obra teatral actualmente se presenta en Nueva York y representa los hechos ocurridos durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Nuestro Premio Nobel de Literatura 2010, Mario Vargas Llosa, escribirá este domingo en su columna “Piedra de Toque” sobre la obra teatral “War Horse” (“Caballo de guerra”) que actualmente se presenta en Nueva York y representa los hechos ocurridos durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.

“War Horse es un espectáculo extraordinario que mantiene en estado de trance a su público las dos horas y media que dura, sumergiéndolo en los horrores de aquella contienda, en la que participaron dos docenas de países y que cambió la faz de Europa”, sostiene en su columna de opinión.

No deje de leer este domingo con su Diario La República "Piedra de Toque", de Mario Vargas Llosa.
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Photography Was One of Three Things Steve Jobs Wanted to Reinvent
Michael Zhang · Nov 18, 2011

Steve Jobs may have had ideas beyond the iPhone when it came to transforming the landscape of photography. In a New York Times

interview published today, Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson said,

[Jobs] had three things that he wanted to reinvent: the television, textbooks and photography. He really wanted to take these on. I

didn’t go into details about these products in the book because it was implicitly Apple’s creations and it’s not fair to the company

to reveal these details.

Apple dipped its toes in the digital camera market back in 1994, but pulled out a couple years later after Jobs returned to the

company and focused it on computers. Of the three product categories, televisions, not photography, is the one that’s being mentioned

the most right now — Apple is expected to announce a Siri-powered TV by 2013.

(via NYT via AppleInsider)

Image credit: Steve Jobs Keynote by acaben


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